Pro bono

5RB is a proud member of ‘Friends in Law‘ a scheme launched by the Bar Pro Bono Unit and the Free Representation Unit. As a Friends in Law member, 5RB contributes financial support and pro bono work by volunteers.

Chambers considers that provision of a degree of free legal advice and representation  is an essential part of a barrister’s practice in accordance with the general standards and ethics of the Bar. The proportion of time which individual members of chambers devote to pro bono work varies from member to member but the practice of many of the junior tenants includes a significant amount of low or unpaid work.

Some examples of the kind of services which 5RB barristers provide free of charge include:

  • providing legal advice and representation in county courts and employment tribunals on a variety of matters on behalf of Islington Legal Advice Centre
  • providing advice and representation through the Bar Pro Bono Unit
  • project work on behalf of the Bar Human Rights Committee and Commonwealth Press Union
  • legal training for the Council of Europe and other international organisations
  • advisory opinions and representation in specific deserving cases where funding is otherwise not available

5RB hosts an annual quiz to raise funds for the Bar Pro Bono Unit and FRU. Members of 5RB also take part in the London Legal Walk each year.