Reference: [2015] EWHC 3373
Court: High Court Queen's Bench
Judge: Jay J
Date of judgment: 28 Oct 2015
Summary: Summary judgment granted in harassment claim
Appearances: Aidan Eardley KC (Claimant)
Instructing Solicitors: Archerfield Partners LLP
Russell Brand and his then partner Jemima Goldsmith obtained an interim harassment injunction against an individual who had attended to provide a massage but who had then proceeded to make serious allegations of criminal offences to the media and on social media. The police had investigated and concluded there was no case to answer. At the Pre-trial review, the Claimants applied for summary judgment.
Whether claimants entitled to summary judgment
Summary judgment and permanent injunction granted. The Defendant had no realistic prospect of resisting a finding that her conduct amounted to the tort of harassment.