Reference: 10/03/2005
Court: Jockey Club Disciplinary Tribunal
Judge: The Duke of Roxburge (Chairman)
Date of judgment: 10 Mar 2005
Summary: Sports Law - Disciplinary Tribunal - Breach of the Orders and Rules of Racing - Rule 220(viii) - Deliberately misleading Jockey Club investigating officers - Financial penalty
Appearances: Jacob Dean (Claimant)
Instructing Solicitors: Charles Russell
Jump jockey Matthew Batchelor was questioned by Jockey Club investigators in June 2004 during an investigation into the running and riding of 2 horses in February and March 2004. He had disclosed his telephone records and made certain claims over whom he was calling.
Had Mr Batchelor delberately misled Jockey Club investigators by denying that he was telephoning John McCracken, a Brighton based professional gambler, and claiming that he did not have a close relationship with Mr McCracken.
“During an interview on 2 June 2004 Mr Batchelor repeatedly stated that during the period 9 February 2004 to 22 March 2004, he had been telephoning another person, when, in fact, he had been telephoning John McCracken. He told investigating officers that he did not know John McCracken well and did not speak to him on a regular basis when, in fact, he was shown to have (or have had) a close relationship with John McCracken including regular telephone and personal contact.” He was fined £2,500.
The Disciplinary Panel including Timothy Charlton QC, sitting on his first inquiry since being appointed as one of 2 new legally qualified members of the Jockey Club Disciplinary Committee in January 2005. The fine sends a message to persons licensed by the Jockey Club of the importance of full and open cooperation with investigators.