
Active filters: Area of work: Defamation and Malicious Falsehood [clear]
Year: 2015 [clear]
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Sloutsker v Romanova

Defamation - Assessment of damages for publications online - whether to grant an injunction against a defendant overseas- whether to proceed in the defendant's absence- whether the court needed to rule on meaning where default judgment had been entered

[2015] EWHC 2053 (QB) - Queen's Bench Division

Judge Warby J

Sloutsker v Romanova

Defamation - libel - foreign claimant - foreign defendant - service out of the jurisdiction - whether material non disclosure -  whether real and substantial tort within jurisdiction of England and Wales - whether England is the proper forum - likelihood of serious harm - service of English proceedings in Russian Federation -  whether valid service effected under Hague Convention - CPR 6.40(3)

[2015] EWHC 545 (QB) - High Court (Queen's Bench Division)

Judge Warby J