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Livingstone v Adjudication Panel for England

Administrative law - Human rights - Article 10 ECHR - Freedom of expression - Offensive abuse - Codes of conduct

[2006] EWHC 2533 (Admin); (2006) HRLR 45; (2006) BLGR 799 - Administrative Court

Judge Collins J

L’Oreal S.A. v Bellure N.V. and others

Trade Mark Infringement - s.10(3) Trade Marks Act 1994 - No likelihood of confusion - 'Link' - Whether unfair advantage or detriment to the repute of the mark - Whether 'free-riding' enough - Similarity between mark and sign not similarity between products.

[2006] EWHC 2355 (Ch); [2007] RPC 14; (2006) 29(10) IPD 29074 - Chancery Division

Judge Lewison J

Loughton Contracts Plc v Dun & Bradstreet Ltd

Defamation - Libel - Offer of amends - Summary judgment - Further information - Whether Claimant had accepted offer of amends - Whether Claimant entitled to further information as to the identity of publishees

[2006] EWHC 1224 (QB) - Queen's Bench Division

Judge Gray J

Lowe v Associated Newspapers Ltd

Defamation - Libel - Fair Comment - Meaning - Requirements as to facts relied upon as supporting comment - Knowledge of relevant facts at the time of publication

[2006] EWHC 320 (QB); [2007] 2 WLR 595; [2006] 3 All ER 357; [2006] EMLR 476; The Times, 29 March 2006 - Queen's Bench Division

Judge Eady J