New tenant recruited
5RB is pleased to announce that Gervase de Wilde has been recruited as our newest tenant of chambers following successful completion of his pupillage. He was supervised by Adam Wolanski, Adam Speker, Jonathan Barnes, and William Bennett, and benefited from exposure to the full range of Chambers’ work.
During pupillage he assisted in two High Court trials: Boyle v MGN Ltd, a libel jury trial, and Thompson v James, a libel claim by a blogger against the Chief Executive of her local authority. He was also involved at all stages in a successful application for a privacy injunction, AVB v TDD.
He has regularly contributed to the Inforrm media law blog and currently provides pre-publication advice to The Guardian.
Before retraining as a barrister, Gervase worked as a journalist. His experience during this time included just under four years as a staff journalist on the Arts Desk at The Daily Telegraph. While at the Telegraph, he wrote reviews, features and opinion pieces for the newspaper, was responsible for the Culture section of the paper’s successful website, and worked regularly in the news room.
He has also been a freelance writer and contributing editor for newspapers and magazines nationally and internationally. Drawing on a longstanding interest in music and knowledge of the music industry, he has advised record labels on programming and licensing compilation albums. He has developed a particular expertise in new media and online publication, writing for and editing a music and arts reviews website between 2002 and 2005, then working at the Telegraph to integrate the print and online elements of its Arts coverage.