Mr Justice Warby to head new list for media-related cases

Mr Justice Warby takes charge of QBD "Media and Communications List"

It has been announced that as of 1 March 2017 there will be a new list within the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court – the Media and Communications List. Mr Justice Warby is to take charge of this list, which will consist of cases involving one or more of the main media torts, specified as defamation, misuse of private information and breach of duty under the Data Protection Act; and related or similar claims including malicious falsehood and harassment arising from publication or threatened publication by the print or broadcast media, online, on social media, or in speech.

From 1 March 2017 a party who believes their case should be assigned to this list should indicate this by including  the words “Media and Communications List” below “Queen’s Bench Division”, either on issue or upon the filing of an acknowledgement of service. The court will retain the power to move cases in and out of this list of its own motion or upon application.

Mr Justice Warby will exercise judicial responsibility for the listing of cases within the List and of applications within them and will be responsible for considering emerging procedural issues in this context. The new list is not intended to otherwise change existing practice in the Division, including for example matters currently handled by Queen’s Bench Division Masters. However, it is understand that Mr Justice Warby proposes to consult with those who litigate in this area and the judiciary with relevant experience, as to whether there are any improved practical arrangements that might be made for cases of this type.

The official announcement can be found here.