Social media marketing: new legal guide

5RB barristers contribute to Vocus 'Whitepaper'

Two 5RB barristers have contributed to a new guide to the legal risks of marketing via social media.

Practical Legal Guidance in the Use of Social Media Marketing aims to help marketers

  • Understand the legal traps in the use of social marketing and how to avoid them
  • Make sure they comply with the relevant UK laws for the safe use of social marketing and
  • Ensure they can make statements about the competition without creating legal problems

The guide is produced by Vocus, the cloud marketing specialists. It has been wirtten by the marketing guru Ardi Kolah, with Mark Warby QC and Felicity McMahon of 5RB and Jonathan Coad of  Lewis Silkin.

Click here for more detailed information and to download a copy.