Reference: [2001] EMLR 898
Court: Queen's Bench Division
Judge: Gray J
Date of judgment: 27 Apr 2001
Summary: Libel - Reynolds qualified privilege
Appearances: Desmond Browne CBE KC (Claimant)
Instructing Solicitors: Olswang for the Claimant; Reynolds Porter Chamberlain for the Defendant
The Times newspaper published articles alleging the claimant was engaged in serious international criminal activities, in particular money laundering. The newspaper had obtained no comment from the claimant on its allegations prior to publication. There was no defence of justification at trial, but The Times argued its allegations were protected by Reynolds qualified privilege.
Whether the defence of Reynolds qualified privilege was available.
The defence was not available. Judgment for the claimant.
This was the first full trial of Reynolds qualified privilege, with a jury.