Newspaper and owners agree resolution of claim
Helen McArdle Care Limited and two directors of the company settled their libel action against the Newcastle Chronicle today.
The settlement came in the second week of a libel trial at Newcastle High Court before Mr Justice Jackson and a Jury.
As part of the settlement the Claimants accepted that there were some grounds for concern as to the treatment of one of the residents at their home. For their part, the newspaper accepted that there were a number of inaccuracies in its orignal article.
The judge commented at the end of the case: “I have heard evidence from the manager and deputy manager of Moorfield House; I have read the statements of all the other witnesses. It is clear to me that the staff at Moorfield House are caring people, who were doing their best in difficult circumstances. It is also clear that the Chronicle staff were doing their best to report events which were of obvious public importance to the people of Newcastle. Mistakes were made on both sides. It is now time to bring this litigation to an end.”
5RB’s Desmond Browne QC acted for the Claimants instructed by Carter-Ruck & Partners.
Helen McArdle libel case is settled – Evening Chronicle
Libel claim by Care Home firm – Evening Chronicle