Well-known line-dancing teacher Val Myers gets apology and costs from competitor Sandra Ong
My Myers, a popular teacher who runs a line-dancing school in Harrow, London, received an apology by way of a statement in open court from a competitor who had unjustly accused him of aggressive tactics and being unfit to represent the line-dancing community. Mr Myers had previously held the position of Area Representative of the Best Western Dance Academy, but had subsequently been suspended as a result of the false allegations.
Ms Ong, who runs a rival line-dancing club ‘Saints In-line’ had accused Mr Myers of “harassing and haranguing members of the line dancing community, vindictively taking steps to disrupt the running of Saints In-line and generally being unfit to be an Area Representative”. Ms Ong’s emails also made reference to written allegations previously made by Ms Ong’s friend, Jennifer Ryce, which had asserted that Mr Myers had physically and verbally assaulted Ms Ryce. Through her statement Ms Ong acknowledged that all the claims were completely false, and agreed not to repeat them, as well as to pay Mr Myers’ reasonable legal costs.
My Myers had received a similar apology in open court from Ms Ryce in respect of her allegations too last week, with Ms Ryce admitting that those allegations were also entirely false.
5RB’s Godwin Busuttil acted for Mr Myers, instructed by Iain Wilson of Brett Wilson LLP. Chloe Strong was instructed for the statement in open court. The Defendant acted in person.