Reference: UKIT EA 2006_0027
Court: Information Tribunal
Judge: David Marks
Date of judgment: 20 Jul 2017
Summary: FOIA appeal concerning disclosure of a directory published by the Defence Export Services Organisation (‘DESO’)
Appearances: Aidan Eardley KC (Respondent)
Instructing Solicitors: Jan Clements, Guardian News & Media Ltd, for 2d Respondent
DESO produced a directory listing contacts within the organisation. The directory was circulated to contacts within the defence industry. Guardian journalist Rob Evans sought a copy of the directory under FOIA. DESO provided only a redacted copy. The Information Commissioner determined that all the requested information should be disclosed. DESO appealed.
Whether the redacted material could properly be withheld under FOIA s 24 (national security), s36 (prejudice to the conduct of public affairs), s38 (health and safety) and/or s40(2) (personal data)
Appeal dismissed, but redaction permitted of the names of lower grade DESO staff, and of telephone numbers and email addresses for all staff unless already published in the Civil Service Year Book or similar generally available publication.