
Active filters: Area of work: Privacy and Confidence [clear]
Year: 2011 [clear]
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Ambrosiadou v Coward (CA)

Privacy – interim injunction – document created for foreign matrimonial proceedings supplied by Defendant to media in this jurisdiction – whether judge should have granted injunction despite assurance given by Counsel on Defendant’s behalf – relevance of ‘Spycatcher’ doctrine

[2011] EWCA Civ 409 - Court of Appeal (Civil Division)

Judge Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury MR, Leveson and Pitchford LJJ

A (A Child) v Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Open justice - reporting - clinical negligence - child - settlement - approval - Children and Young Persons Act 1933 - section 39 - criteria for order prohibiting identification - order made under section 39 - question is whether sufficient general public interest in a report which identified the claimant to justify any resulting curtailmment of his and  his family's right to respect for private life - no such general interest - risk object of proceedings would be defeated

[2011] EWHC 454 (QB); [2011] EMLR 18 - Queen's Bench Division

Judge Tugendhat J