Entertainment and Media Law Reports have new Editors
The leading specialist media law reports, the Entertainment and Media Law Reports, published by Sweet & Maxwell, have new Editors in the shape of Richard Parkes QC and Godwin Busuttil.
Sweet & Maxwell announced the appointment as follows:
“Sweet & Maxwell would like to thank Giles Fernando for his invaluable contribution to the Entertainment & Media Law Reports, both as Co-Editor with Benet Brandreth since 2005 and as Editor since 2007. We would like to thank him for his dedication and wish him all the best in the future.
We are pleased to announce that Richard Parkes QC and Godwin Busuttil (of 5 Raymond Buildings) have been appointed as joint Editors with immediate effect.”
The first part of the EMLR which Richard and Godwin have overseen – [2009], Issue 3 – has already been published. It includes reports of the following recent cases: Adelson v Associated Newspapers Ltd (No.3), W v JH & A County Council Ltd, Bray v Deutsche Bank AG, Radu v Houston (No.3) (CA) and Times Newspapers Ltd v United Kingdom. Issue 4 will feature reports of Atlantis World Group of Cos NV v Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso SpA, Reklos & Davourlis v Greece, WER v REW, Flood v Times Newspapers Ltd and Re McE (HL).
Richard and Godwin welcome suggestions for cases to be included in the EMLR. Transcripts or other relevant information may be sent to them either via their 5RB email addresses or by post.