Footballer refused privacy injunction

Warby J finds material non-disclosure in alleged "blackmail" claim

The Claimant (YXB) was a Premiership footballer. He had a sexual encounter with the Defendant (TNO), and they then exchanged sexually charged messages. He sent her sexually explicit photographs and video clips of his body. He obtained an injunction at a without notice application before Walker J, alleging that TNO was blackmailing him. Warby J refused to continue the order, finding that the failure by a witness known as Mr X to disclose a text message between TNO and Mr X was “highly culpable” and sufficient alone to justify the discharge of the injunction granted by Walker J, and was an operative factor in refusing to grant a further order.

The injunction was continued pending a potential appeal.

5RB‘s William Bennett acted for the Claimant, and Jacob Dean for the Defendant.

A full 5RB case report can be found here.