20 Barristers rated and recommended in Defamation, Privacy, Intellectual Property, Sport and Media & Entertainment Law
The annual Legal 500 review of the legal profession has named 5RB as a leading set for Defamation & Privacy, Media & Entertainment Law and Intellectual Property.
5RB came equal top in Defamation & Privacy, with the independent survey noting the set’s “knowledge of the law in [defamation and privacy] is second to none, and they also provide first-class strategic and commercial advice”.
For Media & Entertainment, 5RB ranked alongside 8 New Square and came second only to Blackstone Chambers and in Intellectual Property the survey noted that “the media set 5RB has been building up a ‘soft’ IP practice” recognising the contributions of Madeleine Heal and Christina Michalos.
In Sports Law, Mark Warby was singled out as “highly experienced when it comes to sports disciplinary work”.
In total, the annual review named twenty 5RB barristers (including all six QCs) as leaders in the field of Defamation & Privacy, Media & Entertainment Law, Intellectual Property and/or Sports Law: more than any other Chambers in these fields.
Click here to see what Legal 500 had to say about 5RB‘s barristers.
Meanwhile, in the annual Chambers & Partners Bar Awards, 5RB has been nominated as Defamation Chambers of the Year and Matthew Nicklin, Defamation Junior Barrister of the Year. The winners will be announced on 4 October 2007.