New Deputy Senior Clerk: Jamie Clack
Following the retirement of Kim Janes after 25 years as senior clerk, Andrew Love has taken over as 5RB senior clerk. Andrew joined Chambers as junior clerk in 1995, and has been a valued member of the clerking team ever since. With more than 20 years of experience, he has a thorough understanding of 5RB‘s specialist areas of law. He has been described as “one of the most user-friendly clerks at the Bar” and “knows how to keep clients happy and feeling well looked after” (Legal 500 – 2015).
Stepping into Andrew’s previous role of deputy senior clerk is Jamie Clack. Jamie joined 5RB in 2012 and previously held the position of Chambers Practice Manager. Jamie has been praised as “consistently helpful and friendly” (Legal 500 – 2015).
5RB Joint Head of Chambers Desmond Browne QC said: “Kim’s shoes will not be easy to fill, but Andrew’s impressive apprenticeship as her number-two leaves him ideally suited to take over. He has now been with us for over 20 years, and together with Jamie Clack we are confident that we have just the right team in place to carry on Kim’s good work and ensure 5RB continues to thrive.”